Red Light Therapy
Red light therapy makes use of the healing light that illuminates a path to wellness. Through the transformative power of red light, we invite you to experience renewed vitality, inner peace, and the power of holistic health.
Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, uses specific wavelengths of red and near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. It is painless and non-invasive, but it harnesses the power of light to promote healing and enhance overall well-being and renewal.
Not all Red light therapy is created equal. The red light bed at Pure Balance boasts an irradiance level of 504 mW/cm2 which increases the depth of light penetration to maximize healing more effectively and efficiently. In addition the joules measure at 103 j/cm2, and include wavelengths of 830-910 nm, 625-670 nm all of which improve the regeneration and penetration of light for optimal cellular repair. In addition, your full Red Light session includes up to 10 min. on the shake plate to improve blood flow before entering the Red Light bed.
- Red Light (Single Session) – $45
- Red Light Add-On to Acupuncture, Reiki, or Massage – $25
- Red Light + Sauna – $65
- Red Light 4 Session Package – $140
- Red Light Unlimited Monthly – $180
Wellness Package Unlimited Sessions Monthly Subscription (recurring), includes any combination of Red Light, Cold Plunge, and Sauna – $275